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Apr 3, 2020

Samson to Sponsor Online Open House for Podcast Fellows Program at Stony Brook University

Samson will sponsor an Online Open House event for Stony Brook University’s Audio Podcast Fellows program this Thursday, May 14th at 7pm (Eastern Time). This event will feature award-winning storyteller and podcaster Shannon Cason who will talk about his career and how to consider your unique purpose in podcasting. Online attendees will also learn about Stony Brook University’s eight-month intensive Audio Podcast Fellowship program and a Samson product specialist will discuss how to select the right microphone for your workspace as well as microphone techniques for podcasting.

To attend this event, register here.

This event has ended.


Frank Imperiale, Technical Director and Faculty Instructor for the Podcast Fellows program at Stony Brook University: “It’s so valuable for us to team up with Samson to present complete podcasting solutions for our students. Our program is designed to not only teach students how to create a podcast but also to be value-conscious—which gives them the freedom for many other essentials that will help their podcasts stand out.”

Sean Meagher, Director of Marketing for Samson Technologies: “Samson is a leader in professional audio equipment for podcasting and we are very excited to partner with Stony Brook University to sponsor this special online event. Educational events present an ideal opportunity for us to give back to the podcasting community and to share our industry and production knowledge with aspiring podcast professionals.”

Guest Speaker: Shannon Cason
Shannon Cason is the host of three podcasts: Homemade Stories, In Good Co. Detroit, and The Trouble. He has shared his stories all over the country as a host, MainStage storyteller and GrandSlam champion with The Moth. Shannon is also a regular on WNYC’s Snap Judgment. Shannon serves as the chief educator for the Brutally Honest Storytelling workshop series, where he has helped companies, pro athletes, and celebrities tell their stories more honestly. Learn more at

Stony Brook University Audio Podcast Fellows program:
The Podcast Fellows at Stony Brook University offers a year of advanced, hands-on training in podcasting: storytelling and writing; recording, editing & mixing sound; branding, marketing and distribution; plus guest lecturers such as Stitcher’s senior production manager and esteemed sound designer John DeLore, WNYC’s podcast content VP Emily Botein, Ask Me Another host Ophira Eisenberg, The Moth’s artistic director Catherine Burns, and many more. Learn more at

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